• Places like boingboing.net and slashdot have an rss feed that displays just like a webpage when you subscribe to it in thunderbird. Even the feed at https://www.davidmattison.ca/wordpress/ which is a wordpress blog does this. When I put my feed from my site in its just plain text with any picture I attached to the post.

    How can i get it so it displays just like the webpage complete with the theme?


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  • Thread Starter rarr


    i gather from the lack of replies I’m either talking total rubbish, its very obvious or nobody knows? :-/

    There’s a good article on RSS at https://www.feedburner.com/fb/a/aboutrss – one of the key points is that it is syndicated, stripped back content – so it is just plain text and images without any styling.

    Though if you really want to, you could try this.


    Thread Starter rarr


    i just found it very strange that the last time i played with wordpress the feeds wernt stripped down. might that have something to do with the theme i was using?

    which is in most demand? the full colour with theme or stripped down?

    cheers for the replies

    Themes shouldn’t have any effect on RSS layouts I think. Personally I think that if you are subscribing via RSS then you are more interested in the content than the appearance, so stripped is fine.

    Thread Starter rarr


    yeah i suppose thats true, just i like to read boingboing etc within thunderbird and get all the extra graphics etc that you get on the actual page.


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