• Hi! I just wanted to let you know that this plugin causes the live editor in Optimize Press 2 to stop working. I think there’s something in the javascript or css that causes things like the “Add Element” button to stop working in the live editor.

    I’m going to try and find some time to research the cause of the problem and submit a fix, but I can’t promise anything.


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  • Thread Starter michaelphipps


    Ok – I found if I comment out the wp_enqueue_style(‘dashboard’) and wp_enqueue_script(‘dashboard’) that the conflict disappears

    function do_css() {
                     //   wp_enqueue_style('dashboard');
                        wp_enqueue_style('bprextra-admin-css', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'bulk_password_reset.css');
                     * @desc Load the plugin related javascript
                    function do_script() {
                    //    wp_enqueue_script('dashboard');

    I don’t understand why dashboard is required in the first place? Is it safe to remove? The plugin seems to work correctly without it…

    Plugin Author Ruben Woudsma


    This is save to remove. I did a test for this on my test environment and this does not cause a problem.

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