• Hi. On every page of our site we have a contact form and a registration form. The contact form comes from gravity forms and gravity forms manages the rendering of the recaptcha and verification. The recaptcha for the registration form comes from your plugin ReCaptcha Integration for WordPress but we’re seeing that it isn’t working properly. Lots of spam registrations are still getting through. We noticed this js error

    Uncaught (in promise) Error: Invalid reCAPTCHA client id: null
        at Array.<anonymous> (recaptcha__en.js:318:54)
        at recaptcha__en.js:287:80
        at (index):1958:18
        at wp_recaptchaLoadCallback ((index):1960:7)

    and looking online showed that this error occurs if there are multiple recaptchas on a page but the recaptchas are not configured correctly to allow more than one. Google demonstrates how to have more than one recaptcha here https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/display. Please advise.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by ezimmerman9.
  • The topic ‘Conflicts when there are 2 ReCaptchas on the Same Page’ is closed to new replies.