• Hi,

    I have some issues regarding compatibility with a marktplace extension (WC Marketplace).

    1. When a normal user backs (not reward, just donating) a campaign from another user with vendor role, in checkout page it appears Shipping details to be entered and select from Shipping options from that vendor. This is not correct, because there is no reward, just a donation, so no shipping shoud appear for this product in the cart.

    2. I found your extension has a compatibility regarding Product image selector. In the vendor dashboard (from mrktplace extension), when adding a new product images, the images selector does not work as expected popping up. I deactivated your extension, and the product image selector works correctly on the vendor dshboard.

    Please can you have a look on those conflicts?

    Thank you very much in advance

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  • Hello,
    Thanks for using WP Crowdfunding Plugin.

    1. FYI, WooCommerce shipping option don’t change based on the Product type. Whatever product type you use like Simple Product, Crowdfunding, shipping settings will remain the same in this case.

    2. WP Crowdfunding Plugin has own Dashboard. Have to use that for any changes in the Crowdfunding campaigns.
    For example https://try.themeum.com/plugins/wp-crowdfunding/cf-dashboard

    In the vendor dashboard (from mrktplace extension), when adding a new product images, the images selector does not work as expected popping up. I deactivated your extension, and the product image selector works correctly on the vendor dshboard.

    I’ll let you know after checking from my end. I think WC Vendor conflicts with WP Crowdfunding Plugin.

    You’ll get the ideas if you read WP Crowdfunding Plugin tutorial: https://www.themeum.com/tutorial-category/wp-crowdfunding/

    Let me know if you have any other questions.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by FahimMurshed.
    Thread Starter Thyphon



    Thank you for your reply. Regarding the conflicts subjects:

    1. Yes, I know that. But I think you did not understand my point. Your extensions has two checkout modalities: One just for donations (Back the campaign), and second, donation with reward. Well the problem here is with the first one, just donations, since WC Marketplace has introduced shipping functionnality for vendors. When donating, there is no Shipping for checkout according to your extension. The problem comes with the WC Marketplace extension, because each vendor can set his own shipping details on his frontend. Please could you try on your end?

    2. Yes, I know that. Not talking about Campaign crowdfunding images from your frontend dashboard extension. I am talking about adding product images in a normal product from WC MARKETPLACE frontend dashboard. When you extenion is activated, in marketplace vendor frontend dashboard the image selector does not work correctly (no pop up image selector). There is a conflict. Please try yourself.

    Thank you for sharing with me the tutorial, actually I have been using your extension for a while, I know how it works. By the way, regarding shortcodes, is there any one that can show on frontend the users campaigns, for example in users frontend profile?

    Thank you again

    Thanks for getting back to me.
    I have noted all of the issues and send it to the dev team.
    I’ll let you know when they finish the testing.


    Thread Starter Thyphon


    Hi @fahimmurshed,

    I updated to the last version 2.0.1, and a new bug or conflict appeared.

    3. When backing a campaign, in the Checkout page, after loading the page, appears the next message: “Sorry, your session has expired. Return to shop”

    Please have a look on thins new issue.

    Best regards, and thank you in advance for the work you are delivering.

    Thanks. I’ll let you know after re-check the latest version.

    Thread Starter Thyphon


    Hi @fahimmurshed,

    Why did you change the topic to resolved? Any news?

    Thank you

    Hello @bigblue0,
    Sorry for the misunderstanding. No, still not check that issue and no news from the team.

    Still, did you get this message “Sorry, your session has expired. Return to shop”?

    Thread Starter Thyphon


    No problem.

    Yes, just checked again now, and still the same issue in the checkout page for 2.0.1 version.

    As for wc marketplace still the same conflicts also.

    Please have a look, looking forward to your help.

    Thank you very much

    Thread Starter Thyphon



    Any update about the reported issues?

    Thank you

    Hello Typhon,

    I am very sorry that you had to wait this long to get a good response from us. I apologize for the time we took from you.

    The first issue you have mentioned about shipping, it can be managed through a check on the product type. I mean, if a product is coming from WP Crowdfunding, the shipping system should not work. I am not sure if this is possible or not. I will talk to the lead developer for WP Crowdfunding.

    We will also test the image conflict and get back to you with the results.
    I will try my best to get back to you within today.

    Thread Starter Thyphon


    Hi @badsha_eee

    Thank you very much for your reply. No problem, it is August and I understand the delays.

    Concerning the issues:

    Issue 1: affects only the donations (“Back the campaign”), but for the reward product it is correct, and it should work in that way in order to ship the reward product. But the donations shoud not generate any shipping fields. And this it should be something automatically implemented (not required action by admin in backend). In previous versions it was working fine.

    Issue 2: Yes, I confirm you that it comes from wp crowdfunding activation. In frontend vendor dashboard, when they add a new product (not crowdfunding), the image uploader does not work properly.

    Issue 3: this issue appeared since version 2.0.0. Not related to marketplace plugin. I deactivated all plugins, except woocommerce and wp crowdfunding, and when I chekout, sudenely the page it loads again and gives the message “Sorry, your session has expired. Return to shop”.

    Thank you in advance. Please keep me posted.

    Thread Starter Thyphon


    By the way, regarding the Issue 1, a solution that maybe could work, it is to assign to Donnations (not Rewards) the Virtual Product type, so in this case Shipping shoud not appear.

    Thread Starter Thyphon


    Hello @badsha_eee,

    Please, any update about the mentionned issues? It has been a while now.

    Thank you in advance,

    Best regards

    Hello Thyphon,

    I apologize for missing your thread. Here is the documentation to disable shipping for WP Crowdfunding Products https://www.themeum.com/docs/wpcf-disable-shipping/

    I am unable to get a fix for the image issue. If possible, please try with WC vendor support or hire a developer.

    Thread Starter Thyphon



    Thanks for the update.

    Using your last version 2.0.1, I added the proposed code to woocommerce file, but it does not work. Now when, I click Back Campaign, the checkout page does not even load correctly, it says “Test Campaign has been removed from your cart because it has since been modified.You can add it back to your cart here.”, “Checkout is not available whiltst your cart is empty.” and “Your cart is currently empty.”.

    Please note also that I reported a bug, ISSUE 3. What about that?

    I switched back to 1.9.1 version, which works correctly at checkout page level. I tried to add the code in order to disable shipping but it is not the same files structure as in version 2.0.1. Please can you indicate me where I can add it to 1.9.1 version? or maybe in theme’s functions file?

    Thank you in advance

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