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  • Hi there,
    Make a quick edit in the synctosendy.php file and it will not overwrite your existing plugins:

    Each menu item in your Admin menu has a number associated with it to place it in a certain order. If plugin authors hard code this number into their installation, they can potentially come up with the same number and conflict with other plugins. Sync To Sendy does this by assigning a menu number of 101.

    1. DOWNLOAD Sync To Sendy (DON’T install from WordPress!)
    2. Open the ZIP file and edit synctosendy.php
    3. FIND line 103 –
    add_menu_page('Sync to Sendy', 'Sync to Sendy', 'administrator', 'syncsendy_settings', 'syncsendy_display_settings', plugins_url( 'synctosendy/images/sendy.png' ), 101);
    4. CHANGE to (removed “,101“) –
    add_menu_page('Sync to Sendy', 'Sync to Sendy', 'administrator', 'syncsendy_settings', 'syncsendy_display_settings', plugins_url( 'synctosendy/images/sendy.png' ));
    5. Save back to the ZIP file.
    6. From Plugins page -> Add New -> Upload. Select your new ZIP file.

    Now you should have Sync to Sendy at the bottom of your Admin menu.

    Another tweak to synctosendy.php: the Sync To Sendy icon doesn’t show up on the Admin menu next to the name because the image location is hardcoded with the wrong folder name.

    On line 103 FIND:
    add_menu_page('Sync to Sendy', 'Sync to Sendy', 'administrator', 'syncsendy_settings', 'syncsendy_display_settings', plugins_url( 'synctosendy/images/sendy.png' ));

    add_menu_page('Sync to Sendy', 'Sync to Sendy', 'administrator', 'syncsendy_settings', 'syncsendy_display_settings', plugins_url( 'sync-to-sendy/images/sendy.png' ));

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