• admiraltuuvok



    I was wondering if there was a simple way to dequeue the plugin on pages apart from the one I want it to run on, I’m not sure what the hook is to be able to do this? If I could get that then that would be great!

    The reason for this is I use Fibosearch for my main woocommerce searching, and I use this plugin for a specific page to search a CPT, however with both running, the Ajax Filters Lite plugin causes a conflict which stops the Fibosearch from searching correctly.

    I am mainly just looking for the handle so I can dequeue the plugin everywhere apart from the specific page I would like it to run on if that is ok! Or if there is maybe a better option then that would be great too.


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  • Plugin Author wpdreams



    Yes – there is a hook, which can be used to stop the plugin from loading entirely.

    add_filter('asl_stop_loading', 'my_asl_stop_loading', 10, 1);
    function my_asl_stop_loading( $stop ) {
    	return true;

    Basically, when the hooked function returns true, then the plugin is stopped from further execution and loading.

    All the best,



    Hey there,

    Sorry to hijack this topic but I have the exact same target and that filter dont work for me.

    I want to load the script only on the page where I use this plugin (there is no need to load 6 JS files on all my page)

    Tried this in my function.php :

    add_filter( 'asl_stop_loading', 'asl_stop_loading_on', 10, 1 );
    function asl_stop_loading_on( $results ) {
    	if (is_page( 35 )) 
    		return false;
    		return true;

    Also inspired from another message you made 3 years ago :
    Dont rly know why but its always returning true, the post id 35 is ofc the good one I double-checked it.

    I want the plugin to load only on this specific page and on admin area (wich now isnt loaded aswell)

    Its maybe cause the code is executed before script are loaded (in the footer) ?

    Plugin Author wpdreams



    is_page() is probably the issue here, it only returns true on specific cases.

    I recommend a variation of the code from that other topic:

    add_filter( 'asl_stop_loading', 'asl_stop_loading_on', 10, 1 );
    function asl_stop_loading_on( $results ) {
    	global $post;
    	if ( is_admin() ) {
    		return false;
    	if ( isset($post->ID) && $post->ID == 35 ) {
    		return false;
    	return true;

    Thx for the answer !

    Sadly dont work aswell, now ASL never load anymore and I see [wpdreams_ajaxsearchlite] on the page where I use the plugin ahah

    Im pretty sure its cause the function is fired too early on the page load, what do you think ?

    Plugin Author wpdreams


    I’m not sure. The $post variable should be set very early, but would definitely explain it.

    Usually the easiest way to debug these is to do put a var_dump($post) to the code (or use xDebug), to see what’s in the variable whenever the function is triggered. If it’s null or something other than a post object, then yes, it’s probably the issue.

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 3 weeks ago by wpdreams. Reason: wording
    Thread Starter admiraltuuvok


    add_filter('asl_stop_loading', 'my_asl_stop_loading', 10, 1);
    function my_asl_stop_loading($stop) {
        $current_page_id = get_the_ID();
        $desired_page_id = 40835;
        if ($current_page_id == $desired_page_id) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return $stop;

    Set your page ID appropriately. This works for me!

    Yeah sadly $post return null, pretty strange tbh, thats ofc why this dont work I assume.

    Also tried ur code but same result, need to check how I can fire later or how to fix this lol

    EDIT : This can mb explain :

    I use ASL on my portfolio page, as a search engine

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 3 weeks ago by holdusback.
    Plugin Author wpdreams


    Well if you are not on a singular page, then it’s going to be null.

    If that is some sort of an archive/loop page, you can however check with is_archive() and it’s derivates like is_tax() is_post_type_archive() etc.. Thos might be the ones you are looking for.

    All the best,

    Crazy how hard it was for such a simple thing.
    Just made it without this filter which never worked (even hooking the_content didn’t worked)

    Here is how I made it :

    //Delete les script pas obligatoire
    function delete_script() {
    //De register les script lié a a ajax searchlight
    if ( !is_page('35') )
    add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'delete_script', 9999 );
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'delete_script', 9999 );

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