• Resolved Chris


    This plugin is creating a problem with a custom post type. I have 6 custom post types and when I activate this plugin it overwrites the admin menu position of my custom post type making the Custom post type disappear. The CPT does not stop working, it just no longer has a menu item in the admin. Is there a fix for this?


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  • Hi,
    I came here to report this too, the WPR Menu takes up a certain position in the admin menu so it overrides anything else.

    @chris, if you haven’t noticed, you can still create CPT’s from the admin bar, Add>CPT

    @nirmal, please fix this, it shouldn’t be too difficult. thanks

    Hi Same problem. Can you fix it..?
    the WPR Menu takes up a certain position in the admin menu so it overrides anything else.

    Thank you

    A quick work-around for this problem:

    Open /inc/options.php in the plugin folder.
    Edit the line
    $menu[‘position’] = ’30’;
    to “31” or higher.

    Worked for me ??

    can you please take care of this at the next update? It should be easy to fix

    same problem here, almsot six months ago I informed Nirmal about that issue. still there is no fix about it.

    Dear Nirmal can you please look at this issue?


    Plugin Author Nirmal Kumar Ram


    Hello Pavlos,

    Sure, I will check and release an update within next 1-2 days.


    Many thanks dear Nirmal.

    Allow me to seize the opportunity and ask if you could add the option “position: absolute;” when Top is selected for Menu Open Direction.


    Hi Nirmal,

    are you going to release the update as you promised?


    Hi Nimal,

    Just wanted to put in another vote for the custom-post type fix. Our company’s custom post types aren’t accessible from the admin dashboard when WP Responsive Menu is enabled.


    I don’t seem to have an update that fixes this, as my copy of WP Responsive Menu is still at position 30. I edited it to be 30.555 just to give it more specificity and to minimize the potential for other conflicts.

    Plugin Author Nirmal Kumar Ram



    I am working on an update and this would be taken care of in that update.


    Hi Nirmal,

    I see you mark this issue as resolved, however it it no. the WPR Menu takes up a certain position in the admin menu so it overrides anything else.

    thanks for all the good work you do!


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