• Iowa Tom


    I apologize in advance for asking what I suppose is a common question. I [have] searched for answers to this and other problems to the point of total frustration. Little did I know that setting up a website for the first time would be so difficult. I started a webpage using Justhost. I would gladly start that over from scratch to begin with a blank slate if I knew how.

    Anyway, at https://cx97.justhost.com:2083/frontend/x3/fantastico/autoinstallhome.php?app=WordPress I clicked on New Installation to download WordPress for the first time. I put in all the info asked for here: https://cx97.justhost.com:2083/frontend/x3/fantastico/autoinstallwordpress.php When I clicked on Install WordPress I got the following message:
    The installation cannot be completed:
    – You chose to install in the main directory of the domain iowatom.com, but there are conflicting filenames, therefore we cannot proceed. Following filenames already exist in the main directory of the domain iowatom.com (path=”/home/iowatom1/public_html/”).You must manually remove these files before proceeding with auto-installation:
    Click on the browser’s Back button to fix reported errors.


    Here https://kb.siteground.com/article/I_am_receiving_the_following_error_message_when_I_am_trying_.html I read this:

    Fantastico shows error ‘You cannot install more than one script in the root directory of a domain’

    If there is no script installed in the root for your domain name but you still get this message it means that a previously installed script was not properly removed. In order to solve this issue you should follow these steps:

    1. Log in cPanel and click on File Manager;
    2. Navigate to .fantasticodata in your Home Directory;
    3. Delete the file installed_in_root.php.
    This will ensure there is no Fantastico information remaining from previous installations.

    I have found the File Manager but cannot find fantasticodata anywhere.

    Any help will be appreciated.



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  • govpatel


    did you check if there are any other scripts installed in your root directory

    fantasticodata should be in your Home

    Thread Starter Iowa Tom


    I have uploaded to Photobucket two screen captures of what I am seeing on my computer.

    I did find fantasticodata. I did a search in my home directory. See:

    I do not know however, what to look for here:

    Thanks a lot for your help!


    Iowa Tom,

    Fantastico tries to install wordpress to /home/iowatom1/public_html/ as per the error message. Take a look at screenshot 2. You already have a lot of stuff in public_html. The problem is fantastico found index.php file in public_html folder and since wordpress needs to use it’s own index.php, the error had occurred.

    There’s probably no need to edit .fantasticodata.

    If you don’t need other stuff you have in public_html folder, simply delete it, or better back it up using filezilla and then delete on the server. After you delete it, you’ll be able to install wordpress. As I can see from screenshot 2, you have Joomla installed in public_html now.

    Hello all,

    I can confirm that arkgroup’s tip to remove the index.php file (backed up first of course) solves the problem. Just did it myself. Fantastico auto-installed fine after I did this… no more conflicting erros.

    Thanks again.


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