Hi @colsoniya
I hope you’re well today!
We’ve had similar issue reported in the past and the problem is related to how that Store Locator plugin works.
However, there’s a workaround that should help.
Please add following code to the site:
add_filter( 'option_active_plugins', 'wpmudev_disable_plugin_conflict_formi' );
function wpmudev_disable_plugin_conflict_formi( $plugins ){
if ( is_admin() ) {
if ( isset( $_POST['page'] ) && ! empty( $_POST['page'] ) ) {
if ( $_POST['page'] == 'yith_sl_panel' ) {
$key = array_search( 'forminator/forminator.php' , $plugins );
if ( false !== $key ) unset( $plugins[$key] );
$plugins = array_values($plugins);
return $plugins;
Here is how to do this:
1. access your site’s WordPress install via FTP, cPanel’s “File Manger” or similar tool
2. go to “/wp-content/mu-plugins” folder; if there’s no “mu-plugins” folder in the “wp-content”, just create an empty one first and then enter it.
3. create an empty file with a .php extension inside it (e.g. “forminator-store-locator-patch.php”.
So the full path should be
4. copy the code shared above and paste it into that file
5. save the file.
You may need to purge all cache on site/server after that but it should solve the issue.
Best regarsd,