• I’m using Site origin for pretty much all my posts on my website, it’s great, until i “switch to editor” worpress visual editor, and then all my different widgets are gone and i can only edit using the visual editor.. What’s more, when i use the live editor, as all my rows are gone the only way to edit my post is that annoying visual editor. Clearly conflict between the two plugins, the thing is i don’t know how to deactivate the visual editor plugin. Is there anyone in that situation ? Any idea to fix it ?
    Thanks a lot



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  • This interests me a lot, as I can’t find out any way to edit column width and spacing in Visual Composer ( yeah, I know the column thingy with 1/3+1/3+1/3 but I can’t adjust single column width and/or spacing : ).

    If they could work together it would be a real hit for me!

    Plugin Author SiteOrigin


    Hi rssx

    Page Builder serves as a replacement to the standard visual editor. Once you’re using Page Builder for a page, switching back to the editor essentially means you’re copying the content out of Page Builder. Unfortunately though, you can’t get it back.

    The reason is fairly simple. Page Builder has no way of interpreting the content in the visual editor and turning it back into a standard Page Builder page.

    In general though, just inserting a Visual Editor widget or a SiteOrigin Editor widget is what most users are after. This gives you a rich text editing experience that you can use within Page Builder pages.

    Thread Starter rssx


    Hi Greg, thanks a lot for that answer, helped a lot !! I actually realized that i was using WP text widgets instead of using the visual editor as a widget inside page builder. Good news thank you !!
    Would you though have any suggestion of another widget that could have the same features but woudn’t be Black studio Tiny MCE and would work with page builder ? ( i’m not finding Black studio tiny MCE very handy)
    Thanks a lot again !

    Plugin Support Andrew Misplon


    Hi @rssx

    Glad to hear you’ve made progress. You can also try our SiteOrigin Editor widget. I’m not sure you’ll find much difference between it and the Visual Editor widget though. They both aim to replicate the Visual tab in widget form. Anything you’re battling with in particular?

    Thread Starter rssx


    Hi @misplon

    I will try it thank you ?? I don’t really like the appearance of the widget, it’s all smashed and tiny on my screen, and there’s no option to enlarge it i reckon (well, that could be a lack of knowledge.. the option could actually be there but if it does exist i haven’t find it). Talking about something like a “distraction free” option that would allow the visual editor to take all my screen and would be easier to work with

    Thank you !

    Plugin Support Andrew Misplon


    Perhaps you can take a screenshot of what you’re seeing and we’ll confirm if that’s normal. Upload it to your Media Library or any photo/file sharing site and send us the link.


    I am using the Page Builder for the first time. It seem to work good.

    I am having trouble inserting a Hypertext link to a pdf file into this table built from the Content tab.

    Is there any documentation on the Page Builder?

    Plugin Support Andrew Misplon



    Thanks for reaching out. You can find Page Builder documentation here: https://siteorigin.com/page-builder/documentation/.

    The easiest would be to use the SiteOrigin Editor widget to insert links. To get access to that widget, first install the SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle plugin.

    Thank you for your response.

    I have inherited a website that is using the Everglades theme. This theme has embedded Page Builder with the theme. SiteOrigin sounds like a better product. However I am concerned about the two products conflicting.
    As I research this issues, I find the Page Builder is part of a Unyson package included in the Everglades Theme created by Glacier Themes.

    Unyson – A free drag & drop framework that comes with a bunch of built in extensions that will help you develop premium themes fast & easy.

    Plugin Support Andrew Misplon


    It might be resource heavy to use two page builder type plugins. Unfortunately, we haven’t done any testing with the theme and plugins mentioned above so can’t comment on compatibility.

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