• I’ve noticed with the latest version of both of these plugins, trying to update any custom field using CFT results in nothing happening if The Events Calendar is active. If I deactivate the events calendar then CFT works as expected.

    I was tracing the code and edit_meta_value never even gets executed when The Events Calendar is enabled.

    I was able to work around the issue by setting the priority of the add_action call to 1 from 100 – but I’m unsure if this has other side effects.


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  • I have noticed a similar conflict. With The Events Calendar activated I have to click the “save” button in order to save any data entered into my custom field. If I don’t, it will not save.

    When I deactivate the events calendar and then input data into the custom field area I can simply click “update” on the post and it will save the data.

    this is a minor annoyance but still an annoyance. Confirmed conflict between these two plugins.

    Just found this thread and linking to it for others:

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