• computerslayer1


    There is a conflict with the time.ly calendar plugin 1.9.2 with all versions of Internet Explorer.

    When visiting the events page of the calendar, you are unable to switch between the posterboard/month/week/day views.

    After some troubleshooting, I determined that this line in the htaccess code from Better WP Security was the problem:

    RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^.*(request|select|concat|insert|union|declare).* [NC]

    If I remove “request” from that line, then the issue with the time.ly plugin vanishes.

    However, I can’t seem to control when the htaccess code is re-applied and my change is overwritten.


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  • jdaviescoates


    Thanks for this info. I also want to use both plugins. BWPS options that change .htaccess seem to break lots of thinks, so I’m opting to avoid enabling them.

    Potential Solution:

    Edit .htacess and place this at the top (outside of BWS block) so that it won’t be overwritten by BWS.

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !^.*(request_type).* [NC]

    Works for me.

    Same issue on my site with time.ly not playing well with IE.

    Tried the potential solution from adriangreen.

    Didn’t work, but thanks anyway.

    If anyone finds a solution please post.


    @elmer.harris: If you require assistance then, as per the Forum Welcome, please post your own topic. This 11 month old topic references an old version of WordPress.

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