• Hi there, I love hyper cache so thanks for continuing to support this fantastic plugin. I have been testing the new version and unfortunataly it does not play nicely with the popular NextGen Gallery plugin. Basically when Hyper Cache 3.0.5 is enabled you get this effect on the gallery thumbnails whereby you can see they are all stacked vertically down the page unfortunately: https://i62.tinypic.com/2v1lqtz.jpg

    Is there anyway I can make the new Hyper Cache play nicely with this plugin? I do not want to exclude pages here because I use Nextgen on alot of pages and therefore Hyper Cache would not work well here. Everything was working fine between these plugins until version of Hyper Cache. Then with the new version of Hyper Cache and new version of NextGen Gallery the conflict began here. Would love a fix for this as right now my galleries are a bit of a mess as you can see. Thanks


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  • We had also all kind of problems in the past with nextgen and caching.

    We switched to

    WP Photo Album Plus

    and never looked back. Not always easy if you have something build with nextgen, still consider switching ….

    Thread Starter allmyhoney


    Hi all, back again on this as still no joy. @massimod thanks for the tips on this new gallery plugin will be sure to use this going forward.

    For now I do need to resolve this however and yes its a jquery issue. Basically the popup and alignment of the photos is gone and all to one side of the page. Turn off the hyper cache and all is well.

    @wishinfo can you step us through your fix once more in a little more detail as it seems you may have a solution here?

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