The CSS fix did work on the Apex UI and I am now able to access all the settings. The Page/Post loading issue still exists and as per your message, here are the specifics:
The Page/Posts loading issue only happens when these 3 conditions are present:
a) The Apex plugin is active on the Page/Post – I am using the “multiple content (text/html)” set to Bottom, just in case that matters.
b) Social Warfare plugin has “Floating Share Buttons” enabled under “Styling”
c) The Social Warfare Plugin’s “Page” and “Post” – “Floating Buttons (if activated)” areas are set to “ON” under “Display”
Both (b) and (c) are required to enable the SW Floating Sidebar at the Page/Post level, which cause the lock.
Otherwise, without the “Floating Share Buttons” feature enabled, the two plugins function perfectly together, but once it’s Enabled and set to “On” on the Pages/Posts, these pages/posts will no longer load – the effect is immediate. The homepage and other areas that are not enabled with the SW sidebar (but have Apex) still work perfectly, Also, the *second* I disable either the SW Floating Sidebar or Apex, the pages/posts immediately load.
It’s like the SW Floating Sidebar and the Apex Notification Bar are fighting it out to a stalemate.
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by