• I installed Version 1.8 (which appears to be the most recent version).

    My WordPress Theme has a Feature Video “slider” that displays the most recent feature images in succession on the Home Page. Every few seconds, the slider switches to the next feature image. If a user clicks on a feature image when it is being displayed, the system displays the relevant page for the Post.

    I selected the “Replace featured image automatically if possible (default)” option in the Feature Video Plus Media Setting screen, as I want the thumbnail to be the same as the one used on my YouTube videos. I also want to display the play button (the red and white arrow that appears over the thumbnail).

    When the user clicks on the play button on the video thumbnail, the video plays for a while, but is overwritten by the slider after a few seconds elapse. This interrupts the person viewing the video and causes other problems when the user tries to click back to the video.

    It would be better if one of the following things occurred:

    a. When the user clicks on the Feature Image of the video (if the image is embedded in a Slider) the system should go to the page for the Post in question. In other words, the Feature Image should function as a link to the Post page (when it is resident in a slider) – rather than launch the video when.

    b. When the user clicks on the Feature Image (if the image is embedded in a Slider) the video should play and the slider feature should be prevented from overwriting the video while it is in progress. (I would prefer this option – but I suspect option “a” is technically easier.)

    I tried the “Open video overlay when featured image is clicked. Define width below!”, but this had two problems:

    1. It did not display a thumbnail with a Play Arrow, so the user could not be sure he/she was supposed to click. It made the video appear just like any other static image, so users would be less likely to click on it.

    2. When the Overlay played, there was no obvious way to close the video.

    I think this is a terrific plugin and I’m please to report it installed easily. I currently have it running on my site at https://www.mediavidi.com and I will probably keep it if you can solve this problem.


    Cristian Worthington


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