That is not the case. My plugin does NOT bundle its own version of jQuery, and that is the “fact”. In that other support thread you referred to, he said “many plugins” bundle jQuery. He did NOT specifically say that mine did, and I assure you mine does NOT.
My plugin uses a few small scripts on the ADMIN side only. It uses Datepick, Timepicker, and some custom javascript/jQuery functions on the add/edit tasks page. When I enqueue my own scripts I state jQuery as a dependency, exactly the way it says to do in the WordPress codex, but I do NOT load my own copy of jQuery.
I follow best practices, to the best of my knowledge, and my plugin has not caused issues with many many other plugins which also use a variety of jQuery scripts.
If you want to turn things around, you could probably disable that other plugin and then mine will work just fine. So, who is to say that they are not doing something wrong in their plugin?
Unfortunately, with lots of different plugins running lots of various jQuery/javascript functions, there is always the possibility of a conflict. I have not experienced and conflicts yet with my Volunteer plugin, but there have been plugins and themes which I have purchased for use on my own sites that sometimes cause conflicts with each other. There is simply no way for each developer to test for every possible combination, and with jQuery/javascript becoming used more and more in plugins and themes, the chances for conflicts keep going up.
If you can explain exactly what the issue is, I can try to download that other plugin and see if I can figure out what may be causing the conflict. I do not appreciate, however, other people or developers quickly blaming others and calling it a “fact”, when they have not verified the facts, and when it could be their own code that is causing the conflict. What you have stated as a “fact”, is simply not true in this case.
I am certainly not perfect, and there could possibly be some problems in my code, especially since this particular plugin started life as another plugin which I forked into this build to modify to fit the needs of our school. So far, however, you are the only one who has reported any conflicts, and my plugin uses very minimal jQuery/javascript functions, and ONLY on the admin side.