• Greetings!
    I have set up a form using this plugin. But it conflicts with the following plugins:
    1. Simple facebook connect
    2. WordPress SEO by Yoast (If twitter cards are enabled)

    With any of these plugins active, the page containing a contact form does not show up. I had to use “Plugin Organizer” to selectively disable these plugins for specific pages. Is it a good idea ? What is the solution to this problem ?


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  • Plugin Author Takayuki Miyoshi


    Can you provide more detailed information? What version of WordPress, Contact Form 7 and the two plugins do you use? Can you share the URL of the site?

    Thread Starter haseebhm


    Simple facebook connect : Version 1.5
    Wordpress SEO by Yoast : Version 1.4.7
    Wordpress: Version 3.5.1

    Is there any option to send you the URL privately ?

    Thread Starter haseebhm


    Please go to: https://www.zawia.pk/demo/ directly in order to access the website and use the “Contact US” link to view the form. The site is currently in coming soon mode which can be bypassed by this URL.

    Thread Starter haseebhm


    I have also added another page with a form which has the error(i.e. plugins not disabled on that page) so that you can see what it looks like. Thank you for the support.

    Plugin Author Takayuki Miyoshi


    First, disable the page cache plugin during the investigation because it makes unclear where the problem exists. Then try switching theme to the default one (twenty twelve) to see if it makes any effect.

    Thread Starter haseebhm


    The cache plugin wasn’t configured. However, i have completely deactivated it for now. Switched to the twenty twelve theme but the problem persists. Please check. Thank you ??

    Plugin Author Takayuki Miyoshi


    Can you keep twenty twelve activated?

    Also, if you use other plugins, please tell me all.

    Plugin Author Takayuki Miyoshi


    And can you define WP_DEBUG true or check PHP error log?

    Thread Starter haseebhm


    I’m so sorry i just re-activated my theme, i have switched back to twenty twelve.
    I’m pasting a list of other plugins here in a minute.

    Thread Starter haseebhm


    Audit Trail
    Better WP Security
    Clean Notifications
    Contact Form 7
    Contact Form 7 AutoResponder Addon Plugin
    Custom Dashboard Widget
    Disable Comments
    Edit Flow
    Follow/Nofollow Control
    Google Analytics for WordPress
    Lazy Load
    Login Logo
    Newsletter Sign-Up
    No Self Pings
    Plugin Organizer
    Plugin Organizer
    SB Welcome Email Editor
    SeedProd Coming Soon Pro
    SEO Friendly Images
    SEO Smart Links
    Simple Facebook Connect
    Subscribe To Comments
    Sucuri Security – SiteCheck Malware Scanner
    User Photo
    WordPress SEO
    WP Better Emails

    Thread Starter haseebhm


    I have also enabled the debugging mode ??
    I would like to ask again if there is a way to privately contact you and provide my dashboard login details so that you can identify the problem more quickly ?

    Thread Starter haseebhm


    After enabling the debug mode, I see a fatal error which is caused by the plugin “Follow/nofollow control” only on the page with contact form. But I don’t understand why the form starts working when “Simple facebook connect” plugin is disabled :S

    Plugin Author Takayuki Miyoshi


    What exact error do you see?

    Thread Starter haseebhm


    Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘/some/path/here/wp-content/advanced-cache.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/lib64/php:/usr/lib/php:/usr/share/pear’) in /some/path/here/wp-settings.php on line 58

    Notice: get_settings is deprecated since version 2.1! Use get_option() instead. in /some/path/here/wp-includes/functions.php on line 2839

    Notice: load_plugin_textdomain was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.7 with no alternative available. in /some/path/here/wp-includes/functions.php on line 2925

    Notice: load_plugin_textdomain was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.7 with no alternative available. in /some/path/here/wp-includes/functions.php on line 2925

    Notice: Undefined index: solo-comment-subscribe in /some/path/here/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php(852) : runtime-created function on line 1

    Fatal error: Call to a member function find() on a non-object in /some/path/here/wp-content/plugins/follow-nofollow-control/nofollow-control.php on line 124

    Plugin Author Takayuki Miyoshi


    I think this is Follow Nofollow Control’s flaw. The str_get_html function returns false when its argument string is empty, but Follow Nofollow Control’s nofplg_display_content function seems not to consider such cases.

    If you wish to continue using Follow Nofollow Control, you should report this to the author.

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