• Resolved filz51


    First of all, thanks for the update with the ability to choose he menu. But since your update, I have to deactivate your plugin first if I want to edit a text-block. Can you please have a look on that for your next release? I’m using the Enfold-theme and I wonder if other users are facing the same problem.
    Kind regards, filz51


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  • Ben


    Yes. I too have to disable this plugin to be able to use Visual Composer on the backend.

    Also since the last update (7days ago) The plugin has stopped functioning and will not accept changes on its settings page.

    Plugin Author nagarjunsonti


    HI ,

    Yes, My plugin conflict with theme Jquery functionality.
    I am going to solve this problem,

    Previously i was not cleare the table (“prefix_mylogin”) from the database.
    if any one using this new version,install the plugin activate it and deactivate it, then activate the plugin.
    Every thing work perfectly.
    Note: This is applicable for only previous users.

    First time users no need to fallow above discription.
    Please let me know still if your facing any issues.

    Thanks for your patience and support.

    Plugin Author nagarjunsonti


    Hi All,
    I fixed the bug, Please download it, otherwise copy and past the code.

    Change the entire code in myjs.js file with

    “var myloginlogout = jQuery.noConflict();

    myloginlogout( “#login-dropdown” ).hide(1000);
    myloginlogout( “#custom_loginid” ).show(1000);
    myloginlogout( “#show_custom_login_button” ).hide(1000);


    myloginlogout( “#custom_loginid” ).hide( 1000);
    myloginlogout( “#custom_login_url” ).val(“”);
    myloginlogout( “#login-dropdown” ).show(1000);
    myloginlogout( “#show_custom_login_button” ).show(1000);//button




    Replace the 2 lines of code in loginlogout.php file( Line number:131 and 132)

    “wp_register_script(‘jquery-2.0.2-min-js’, plugins_url(‘/js/jquery-2.0.2-min.js’, __FILE__), array(‘jquery’),’2.0.2′, true);


    “wp_register_script(‘jquery’, ‘https://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js’, false);

    I am sorry for troubling you very much.
    Thanks for your support

    Thread Starter filz51


    Thank you for solving this!

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