Thank you for the response and offer to investigate the site, however everything is working as it should now, but here’s a little history of the problem:
Everything was working normally for about the past year – nothing changed on the site (except for adding new events to the calendar) and a few days ago for some reason, the Zoom meeting url started with my domain url.
If I disabled Editorskit, the Zoom URL was correct, when I activated it, the URL again pointed to my domain and not Zoom.
I disabled and deleted Editorskit, reinstalled it and the problem returned.
I turned off Editorskit options for all block types on the Home page (where the problem appeared) and the Zoom URL was correct. I then enabled Editorskit for all block types on the Home page, and the Zoom URL was still correct.
It’s a bit of a mystery why it stopped working, and why it’s working properly now.
Your plugin is awesome, as is your support. If I am able to re-create the problem I will provide any further information that I can.