• Resolved rene-michaels


    Easy Digital Downloads appears to be having a conflict with the Easy FancyBox plugin.

    Everything is working great except on the “View it in your Browser” link in the email that the customer receives. The following errors are displayed at the top of that page:

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /nfs/c02/h08/mnt/40327/domains/xxxxxxxxxx.com/html/wp-content/plugins/easy-fancybox/easy-fancybox.php on line 384

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /nfs/c02/h08/mnt/40327/domains/xxxxxxxxxx.com/html/wp-content/plugins/easy-fancybox/easy-fancybox.php on line 48


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  • Plugin Contributor Pippin Williamson


    That’s not a conflict with EDD, but rather a bug in their code. I’ve just looked at their code base and was able to identify the problem.

    They need to update line 48-53 to this:

    if( ! empty( $easy_fancybox_array['Global']['options']['Enable']['options'] ) ) {
    		foreach ($easy_fancybox_array['Global']['options']['Enable']['options'] as $value) {
    			// anything enabled?
    			if ( '1' == get_option($value['id'],$value['default']) ) {
    				$do_fancybox = true;

    I’d recommend opening a ticket with them and pointing them to this thread.

    Thread Starter rene-michaels


    Yeah, I figured it may be on their end, but i haven’t had any other issues with their plugin until yours was added, and it was only on this “View it in Browser” page.

    Thanks, I’ll send them the info!

    Thread Starter rene-michaels


    BTW, I tried replacing the code as you suggested but it created another error further down in the code. Will get EasyFancybox support on it ??

    Thread Starter rene-michaels


    Actually, that was my bad. I had an extra } in there at the end. Changed it but now getting a different error:

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /nfs/c02/h08/mnt/40327/domains/xxxxxxxxxx.com/html/wp-content/plugins/easy-fancybox/easy-fancybox.php on line 386

    No worries, will contact their support. Thanks again!

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