• Is it possible in wordpress to insert a confirmation message before update?
    Something like:

    "Are you sure you want to modify the following fields?
     - Title
     - Description
     - Excerpt

    I’ve tried modifying “Confirm Publishing Actions” plugin but it is not flexible enough for this kind of work. I’ve also tried using a hook “pre_post_update”, but I can’t find a way to pause the script without using a die while the user is not yet confirming his answer.

    I want to achieve something like this

    add_action( 'pre_post_update', 'wpdm_check_changes' );
    function wpdm_check_changes($id)
        $response =  "<script> document.write(confirm('dianne')); </script>";
            // stop update. remain in edit post page
            // save post

    Thanks in advance

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