Configuring Filezilla correctly to upload themes to WP.
Installed Apache>Working.
Installed MySQL>Working.
Installed Filezilla> Working, but we’ll get to what isn’t in a moment.
Dl’d installed current >Working.Let me first say I am reluctantly posting. I like to try and sort things out on my own. So far, I’ve manage ‘almost’ everything. Taken great amounts of time to read>all Filezilla’s Wiki’s. Their forums. Watched countless Youtube vids. Google searched endlessly. Etc.. And happy to say learned a good deal. Just not enough. ‘Cause…
I’m stuck.
I installed WordPress to my own computer as I’m new to this and before launching into hosted servers and having unfinished work on the internet, I want to see how I enjoyed using WP. Play a bit and so on. I love it. (I read in a Filezilla topic a question: Why would the topic poster install to their own computer? Well, this, is my reason for doing so and hope that answers the same question from others.
My problem:
I have done something not right from the “Edit” users area withing the Admin of Filezilla.. I think. I have ‘root’ as user. That’s working fine. I discovered however, no matter what I do to upload a theme-it isn’t working.
-I did, create a database for the theme in phpMyAdmin. (I don’t know if I need to do this for a theme. I had to create one to get WP installed so, I made one for the theme too.)
-I note when I open Filezilla and get started>files which should appear on the right side, are not.
So, back to the “Edit” area for Users in Filezilla Admin..
I should be choosing a “Shared Folder” and also>(I think), another “Shared Folder”= wp-content-themes, added under the first.
??>WHAT should be that first listing/first “Shared Folder??” I’ve tried everything and still, when I go back into Filezilla. attempt an upload, those folders that ‘should’ appear for me to drag and drop the file I’d like to upload into, do not appear.
I’m only guessing that’s the problem. I hope someone can confirm that and fill me in, correctly. Or.. Correct me, and fill me in.
The next thing: When I enter the information for “Host” at the top inside Filezilla>will my local IP addy suffice? (We are not yet using ‘external’ IP as this is a local install and local hosting.)
Should I enter something else? If I get the rest finally configured correctly, I’d like to make sure this is correct, as well.Should I be creating a folder/file under “Remote?” If so, what should it be named?
When granting permissions to write, read, etc.: Would I do this for both the first and second shared folders in the “Edit” users Admin area for Filezilla? AND.. Would I also do this for the folder created under “Remote” within Filezilla? (If I needed to create one.)
If you have any questions, please ask. I have ALL the information, lol. At least I hope I do. I should know where to look for it.. I’ve familiarized myself I think, fairly well enough.
Thank you for reading. Any experienced guidance would be dearly appreciate.
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