• Problem:

    • Unable to configure the SAML 2.0 Single Sign On plugin onto WordPress MultiSite Sub-Sites. The configuration only worked on the “Main” (site ID = 1) site. The error messages “You have not changed your IdP’s <key> from the default value. You should update it to a real value.” is received for all sub-sites.


    This is a big issue, and has a few other support tickets opened about it.

    In this ticket I want to focus solely on the MultiSite Configuration which TocydLive eludes to in the second part of his comment on the ticket above. While his solution works, it is as he states a “hack”. The developer has taken into account the need to place the IdP configuration in separate locations, but these are then not updated when the change is made in the Network Settings. The IdP configuration is stored at /wp-content/uploads/saml-20-single-sign-on/etc/config/saml20-idp-remote.ini and this works great for a single site install and for the primary blog on a MultiSite. However, all other sites have a separate uploads directory: /wp-content/uploads/sites/<blog_id>/saml-20-single-sign-on/etc/config/saml20-idp-remote.ini
    The problem is that these other configuration files are not getting updated after saving the IdP settings in the Network Configuration. That requires that they be updated manually, otherwise you get the error messages that the default settings are being used and must be changed.

    My Fix:

    Manually update/copy the IdP settings into each sub-site upload location. Was not big problem for me, as I only had 3 sub-sites. Could be more cumbersome for a large number of sub-sites. Note**: I was using a MultiSite Domain-Based installation.

    Permanent Solution Suggestions:

    My suggestion to the developer is to change all of these files together with the main site, or move this configuration into the plugin and only have one file that is called regardless of the sub-site. Since there is only the option to adjust these values in one location via the Network Single Sign-On Settings, this is what makes the most sense to me.
    As a side note, the current configuration is great if there was the ability to set the IdP settings individually for each sub-site. This would also resolve the problem of having the IdP settings return an “Access Denied” message when in the Sub-Site settings.


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  • We are also running into the same issues that scweber suggested. It did take some digging to troubleshoot the “permission denied” errors on different tabs, especially because it wasn’t logged. It would be great to see the tabs hidden or disabled where not applicable. I agree the critical need though is for these config files to find their way to subsites.

    @scweber & @david, I too am administering a multisite and our PingIdentity authentication via this plugin is not working…we increasingly suspect it’s due to plugin issues on the multisite. The only reasonable alternative, SimpleSAMLphp Authentication, seems to have similar multisite challenges. Shall we multisite admins join forces? I really need to get a solution going soon.


    Jim P.

    doctorproctor, we were able to get this working with our remote PING server but it did take some changes to the core plugin code. I also hard coded URLs in places as a temporary fix for multisite. We will definitely need to fix this for other sites that get added in. What I can probably do is push the plugin to GitHub and create a branch with our changes, if that also works for you?

    Thanks, David. Can you clarify what your remote PING server is? I’m new to this, and all I know is that we now authenticate via PingIdentity. Additionally, the hard-coded site URLs will be a bit of a chore for us, but if that’s how we have to do it now we can do it! One final question: did your code fixes overcome the permissions error I see in attempting to access SAML plugin settings tabs?


    Jim P.

    For the immediate term this is what we changed.

    Copy saml20-idp-remote.ini to
    for any “Identity Provider” change

    These suggested changes to the following scripts


    There is a known bug which resets your Identity Provider to default.
    We were forced to hard code the $idp and $nameidpolicy in _use_defaults()


    If your PING setup is like ours, you might also have a unique partner ID for each site which gets passed through in the IdP URL, https://youridp.com/idp/startSSO.ping?PartnerSpId=https://mysite.com. This presents another set of challenges because our IdP URL is unique for each site. For this it seems the best solution would be to add another field to the Service Provider tab which gets tagged on to the end of the IdP URL for each site.

    Hopefully that helps you get off to a good start! Its a consolidation of multiple support channels I found myself in along the way.

    Sure appreciate these details, which I’ve conveyed to our IT folks so we can decide on next steps. All sounds doable, but of course not the most elegant solution; depending on whether we proceed with Ping/SAML authentication I’ll be in touch!

    Jim P.

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