• Resolved Jenny


    Hi there,
    I currently have two member types in buddypress. The one type only uses the Base Group with Fields inside that and the other member type uses the Base Group Fields as well as an additional Extra Group with Fields inside that.

    My problem is this:
    When using your plugin, instead of only Base Group fields appearing (base group tab) on the specific member type profile, both Group Fields each appear as a tab on the profile (base group tab + extra group tab), even though the fields of the extra group section are not filled in by the member type.
    When I disable your plugin, the correct Group sections are appearing on the two member types profiles, based on the member type, albeit not in a tabbed interface.

    So I need the profile tabs to be conditionally rendered on profile pages, according to the member type. Is this possible with your plugin? If so, please guide me on how to achieve this?


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  • Jenny,

    Profile Tabs cannot display fields conditionally.

    If you need to show XProfile fields conditionally based on the Member Type, then try to install this plugin: https://github.com/lmoffereins/bp-xprofile-field-for-member-types.

    When adding/editing an XProfile Field, you can select for which Member Type the XProfile Field is applicable.

    Profile Tabs then renders the fields in their specific Tabs as you have configured them for each Member Type.

    Hope this helps you out.

    Thread Starter Jenny


    Hi there,

    I am already using the plugin that you referenced. However, it does not give the option for selecting member type for the profile group title as such, it only gives the option to select member type, on the fields within the profile group.

    When not using your plugin, only the fields associated with the member type, renders on the front end, under the correct profile group (title), but with you plugin, the empty profile group title is also rendered, which does not happen when not using your plugin.

    An Example:
    Profile Group 1 title = Fruit
    Profile Group 2 title = Vegetables

    With your plugin, both Fruit and Vegetable tabs render, instead of only the tab that has the relevant member type’s fields filled in. So eg Fruit tab appears, but the fields don’t appear inside it, which is correct, but the actual tab should also not render /appear on the front end, as the content inside it is not related to the member type of the profile viewed.

    So since there does not seem to be a solution to this, I will have to forego using profile tabs for now.

    Thank you for your assistance.

    It’s not my plugin. I’m just a regular member trying to help.

    I understand your issue. I guess there is no resolution for your problem at the moment.
    Only a few BuddyPress developers started experimenting with Member Types. We can only hope that Jacob Schweitzer will incorporate Member Types support in BuddyPress Profile Tabs very soon.

    Keep an eye on the posts of BuddyDev Blog.

    Once you get Member Types working as it should be in the next couple of weeks (with the BuddyDev info), you could ask the BuddyPress Support Community for help to get those Profile fields organised and published as you would love to, with or without the BuddyPress Profile plugin.

    But, I guess that Jacob Schweitzer will read this post, and that he will dive into this issue for sure ??

    Please keep me up-to-date.

    Thread Starter Jenny


    Ooops, sorry, my apologies.
    For now I have decided to forego using profile tabs. Will let you know if I find an alternative solution.

    Plugin Author Jacob Schweitzer


    So I will take a look at this, I’ve been busy lately and haven’t gotten a chance yet.

    Thread Starter Jenny


    Thank you, much appreciated.

    Plugin Author Jacob Schweitzer


    What plugin are you using to associate profile fields / groups with a member type? The only way I could see doing this as of right now is to make some change that would allow people to put a piece of code in their theme that would allow hiding tabs for specific member types. Either that or making a full integration with member types to show or hide them in the Profile Fields creation / edit screens. The 2nd way would be better but a lot more work and I’m not sure how many people are using member types right now, its a pretty new feature still. I will look more into these options..

    Hi Jacob,

    Thanks for following up.

    To create Member Types, I recommend one of these 2 plugins: https://buddydev.com/plugins/bp-member-type-generator/ (BuddyPress Member Type Generator from BuddyDev), or https://github.com/imath/bp-mt-extended (BuddyPress Member Types extended from iMath).

    The plugin to show/hide profile fields for each Member Type is this one: https://github.com/lmoffereins/bp-xprofile-field-for-member-types.

    If would be awesome if Profile Tabs would work nicely together with these plugins.

    We appreciate your effort.

    Thread Starter Jenny


    Hi there Jacob,
    I manually registered the member types via adding php code in bp-custom php and then used the following plugin to create different field groups and fields, for the created member types.


    Agreed, a code snippet with some conditional logic, will suffice for now.

    I do think though that Member Types is going to take off in a very big way, as it is exactly the functionality needed by many companies/organizations/communities.

    Plugin Author Jacob Schweitzer


    I’ve added this in the latest version (1.6.0). Let me know if this is working properly for you, I’ve tested in the latest versions of WordPress and BuddyPress and it seemed to work fine. You should be able to use the checkbox options in the settings to choose which member types see which tabs.

    THANK YOU Jacob. It’s really very much appreciated that you have added member types support. The only thing that I experience with the new update is that the custom jQuery UI theme doesn’t work anymore as before. The tabs switch to vertical when a custom jQuery UI theme is selected, while it works normal (horizontally) with a standard theme. Can you please have a look at it? Thanks

    Why not control this through user-roles?

    What’s the difference between BP member-type and user-roles?

    Will using both cause conflicts?


    Member types speaks for itself… Types of members can be for example a professor, a teacher, a student. Once the member types are configured in BuddyPress, which is a great feature for the registration process, you can assign user roles to specific members, such as… a professor can be an administrator, one of the students can have a role of an Authour, or a Contributor. Member Types are core BuddyPress, while User Roles are core WordPress. They do not conflict at all.

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