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  • Trynda E. Adair


    Also curious to know.

    Not sure if anyone is still looking for a solution to this, but I put together something (albeit not in an overly elegant way of implementing since I unfortunately don’t have time set aside for building a custom plugin to handle this and had to modify the base plugin).

    In my use case a new PDF and email was required for each dynamic field added, so in the send-pdf.php file I wrapped the PDF generation (wpcf7pdf_send_pdf function) and mail (wpcf7pdf_mail_components function, adding an additional wp_mail function to send multiple emails) in the following if statement that would check if groups were present and iterate through the number of groups to change the variables and create multiple PDFs/emails with dynamic content based on the users submission.

    if ( isset( $_POST['_wpcf7_groups_count'] ) ) {
    	foreach ( $_POST['_wpcf7_groups_count'] as $group_id => $group_sent_count ) {
    		for ( $i = 1; $i <= $group_sent_count; $i++ ) {	
    			$text = preg_replace( '/__1(\s|\])/', "__{$i}]", trim($meta_values['generate_pdf']));
    			// Generate PDF Code Goes Here
    	// Generate PDF Like Normal

    In the ‘Personalize your PDF’ area I set the repeatable fields to have the __1 in the name so the code would be able to find the variables when passed via $_POST and change out the number based on the for loops position (although I think it will work either way, I just haven’t tested as of yet to confirm).

    Not sure how this would work with a conditional feild, but this was used leveraging the Contact Form 7 – Repeatable Fields ( plugin. Hope this helps someone somehow.

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