I need a form with different text results for each question (radiobuttons) after submitting, so I have e.g. 8 yes-no-questions, every single choice generates a text (or description), which the user will get, after submitting.
This topic was modified 3 years ago by Jan Dembowski.
Since you wrote “Everything else WordPress” in the forum, I’m not sure if you want to develop it yourself. With PHP, of course, it could be done completely independently of WordPress. To do this, you would have to come up with a concept of how you want to realise the inputs and how you want to process them. The concrete procedure, however, is beyond the scope of this post – also because I am not sure whether you are referring to it.
Unfortunately, the conditional logic in wpforms and cf7 is only, that I can show or hide fields directly, when filling in the form. I need to show the content after submitting.
With PHP it would be possible, but the website is done with WordPress.