• Resolved mumpsimus


    I am using Ultimate Member 2.0.2 and have an issue with a conditional field on my registration form.

    My registration form forces the user to register as either a “Buyer” or “Seller”.

    I want an additional conditional field only for users who register as “Buyer”. However, the obvious “show if” > Roles (Dropdown) > equals to > “Buyer” does not work. I have tried every combination possible. The conditional field works for blank/not blank, but I cannot get it to actually work based on the role being Buyer vs Seller.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Ultimate Member Support


    Hi @mumpsimus,

    We will investigate this issue, thanks for letting us know.
    You can create 2 different registration pages and make them role specific, e.g users who register using buyers page will get buyer user role and via seller page the seller user role will be assigned.
    Don’t forget to create 2 registration form in Ultimate member -> Forms and set “Apply custom settings to this form” to yes and “Assign role to form”


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