I love what you’re doing with Burst… in one of the Complianz email newsletters I saw you asking for suggestions for Burst.
1. Options to let us more specifically define what constitutes a ‘bounce’ for our site. I’m sure you’re aware of the various possibilities, let us choose different setups based on them.
2. A way of anonymously tracking user hits on specific pages from specific referrers, and an ability to drill down regarding the behaviour of those visitors after they landed on the page. This would give us the ability to better dial-in ad campaigns we may run on specific platforms (ie Facebook, Twitter) but without violating privacy laws and rules.
In other words, if we are running an ad campaign on FB and are driving traffic to a specific landing page with some hoped for results, knowing the percentage of those visitors who landed on that landing page and who followed through with our CTA would be very helpful and would not require them giving up any personal information. The session cookie with the ID required to track where they go on the site can be expired shortly after they leave the site and the ID would be anonymized as well so it cannot be used to identify anyone in particular or track them beyond our own website.