• I’m trying to build a website for my computer sales business using the attributes and variables options of Woo Commerce.
    Everything seems to work very well for singular products such as t shirts that have variables such as colour and size.
    But the computers i build and sell are made up of many variables.
    I cant seem to find a way to price each individual variable to make my computer product a configurable collection of components.

    For example, each computer is a product, Computer A,B C etc and each is made of several components, each one consists of a processor, some memory and a hard drive (these are my attributes).
    But then I need to break down those attributes to further options for example for the processors there are 3 different models, the i3, the i5 and the i7.
    For Memory there are 3 options, 8GB, 16GB and 32GB.
    For the hard drive there are 3 options, 120GB, 250GB and 500BG.
    I would like to price each component individually before they are created as part of a variable product so that the total price is automatically calculated based on which components are chosen.
    Right now I’m unable to do this and so have to create all the variable combinations and then give a total price for each combination.
    This takes rather a lot of time to sit and calculate manually, and if for example the price of one component changes i have to sit and recalculate all of my package prices again manually.
    If i were able to price each component i could change the price of one component and the total should change to reflect that alteration.
    Is there a way to do this please and could you point me towards some examples, because everything i have found so far is very limited to the size and colour type variables described above but my products are more complex than that.
    Thanks you !



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