• We thought it was time for something new, something more clean/professional due to an extreme increase in readership and we wanted to keep them coming back to read what he have to say and share.

    So, this is my best effort, what do you think? Any ideas for us to make it better?

    Thank you in advance!!!

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  • Thread Starter Kahil


    Thank you!!! ??

    Still lookin for something…i don’t know what… I think my site needs something…just can’t put my finger on it… I am working on a new header graphic as suggested earlier.

    also been looking at new plugins for more features to amek it even more user friendly…

    Just to add, it is my understanding that the alt tag is considered valid code, is it’s taking accessibility into account. Assume a blind person surfing the web comes across your site using a screen reader. The read content fine, but come across a picture of you. The reader wouldn’t know how to explain to the user that the picture is of you, or mukluks, or what ever the image is. They loose out on an experience.

    Thread Starter Kahil


    lol… thanks miklb!! yeah, i usually end up making my posts late at night and just get too lazy when i upload the pics…lol… i’ll try to be better about the pic names. i even thought about starting to add little captions.

    Thank you!!

    miklb: Not only is the alt attribute considered valid, but is mandatory in XHTML. ( That thing again about validity ??

    Thread Starter Kahil


    lol….OK OK OK… over the next few days i will make it a point to make use of the alt in my pic and go back in and add them where they are missing…lol…good thing i don’t have all that many pics…lol

    I’m a big fan of web standards and try to live by them. If only IE would honor standards webdesign would be a lot easier. In some cases one could have some second thought though.

    The ALT requirement for validating sites could is rather trivial. Since a picture says more tha a thousand words you would need quite a large ALT to explain the picture. ??

    When using pictures for navigation ALT tags are needed, but otherwise?

    On your site: whats the big advantage of three column in your case? I would:
    – Remove the calendar: who ever uses them?
    – Fill up the left bar with: search, categories, recent, archives
    – Create a separate page for friends
    Just a thought.


    Because Kahil is trying to make it available for all readers, not just the ones that can see. (But the blind as well)

    And stop nick picking at his site, his site is an Andreas09 theme. And if he wants the three columns..then why not have it? He obviously chose it right?

    His he supposed to do a whole overhaul on it because of what you want or something?? Fuck that..


    Not so agressive spencerp. The category is ment for reviews and the title of the post is asking us what we think. So that’s what I did: reviewed it. If the comments are not appreciated they can be simply ingnored.

    As for availability: the question is if it is interesting for a blind person to read:
    picture of a horse
    another picture of a horse
    yet another picture of a horse

    Love you 2.

    Thread Starter Kahil


    easy guys…lol… all comments are welcome, the good and bad… IMHO, the only bad comments would be ones of malcontent.

    the current layout is a stepping point for us really. we are new the blogging really and we still haven’t found out niche as to what direction exactly we want to take our blog, but for our current plans/goals/ideas the current layout suits us best. Once things are set we can always remove things. from my experience its always been easier to remove things than to add new.

    thanks guys n gals

    Kahil, true on malcontent comment part of it. Just was drinking that night…gotta little pissed off at another post, got a bit defensive and touchy. Sorry for posting that outburst on your thread..

    As for your your blog, I think it’s nice and wonderful on your goals for it. =) Keep up the good work. =)


    mstegink, sorry to you as well for the blowing off on ya. =( I guess in the heat of the moment I forgot all about the thread’s purpose in general.. =(

    spencerp: hanging around here for a bit, we know you’re a nice guy and a little mishap must be forgiven ??
    Keep up you good work here!

    spencerp: no hard feelings. Kahil: keep going.

    Thread Starter Kahil


    Thank you mstegink!

    still doing a little to it… in another thread i started i asked help to create a photo gallery that would do specific things…ended up figuring it out for myself…check it out…

    it’s copyright not copywrite

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