• terpsblog


    Alright I’m trying to get a theme on my blog from themes.wordpress.net. And I downloaded the theme an the instructions say this.

    – Upload the theme folder into the themes folder / Don’t upload the Plugins folder!. [ URL/wp-content/themes/ ]
    – Upload plugins files(from the Plugins folder) to the plugins folder. [ URL/ wp-content/plugins/ ]
    – Activate plugins (optional)
    CAUTION: You need to turn off the original Widget plugin to use the widget plugin included!

    Can somebody please explain to me for each step what to go to ect?

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  • webdressing


    Upload the new theme folder to URL/wp-content/themes. Then go into your ACP and look under ‘Presentation‘ and click on the theme that you want to use. The theme should contain plugins. Do you have a link to the theme so we can check it for you?

    Thread Starter terpsblog


    Upload the new theme folder to URL/wp-content/themes.

    I don’t totaly understand that, sorry I’m extremaly new to this stuff.

    Here is the theme that I would like to use. https://themes.wordpress.net/testrun/



    I’m extremaly new to this stuff.

    We all we’re at one time ?? Are you on a PC or a Mac?

    Thread Starter terpsblog


    ^^ Sorry for my spelling errors, was typing really quick.

    I am using a PC



    Your theme contains two parts:

    1) The theme files that define the looks
    2) Optional plugins, that offer some special new functionality

    The theme files must be uploaded to wp-content/themes
    and the optional plugins (to be used with/in the theme) can be uploaded to wp-content/plugins

    After this you should
    a) go to presentation menu and activate the new theme, and
    b) go to plugins page and activate some of the new plugins

    Hi Terpsblog. You need a special program that will send those files to your server. It’s called a FTP. You can find one for the PC here. Open up the new theme zip file and you’ll find a theme folder. Upload that folder with the FTP program to your server, it goes in the blogs /wp-content/themes folder. Then log in to your admin control panel (ACP) and click on ‘Presentation’ You should see the new theme there. Click on it. That’s it, your new theme is now the default theme ??

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