Hello !
our business is to sell photographic course; for that we already use a web site developped specially for us (
Gift option and RSVP, event managment, calendar are already parts of it, but we are missing the language option, a forums, updating posts easy, user management, private access, etc… already integrated in wordpress solution.
After month of research and tests we were almost ready to choose your solution but:
I just discovered :
This is an answer to a ticket about : Events Calendar’s WooCommerce Tickets creation : “Yes, the reason is the incompatibility between WPML and the plugin (and add-on).
We contacted with the plugin author but they’re not ready to work with us. “Using of an event plugin without multi-language is a big commercial mistake. By my side, I will not buy any solution without that option and I think I am not the only one.
That’s strange how the “event situation for wordpress” seems to be like was the joomla situation : for years we were waiting to manage the users until, exasperated by the situation, we moved for external dev.
Let me explain in details:
There is until now few solution for wordpress event :
Events Manager from Marcus is one that I already tested : very “pro”, very good support, but no woocommerce compatibility….not a solution for e-commerce.
Wooevents from IgniteWoo : on the paper the solution combined “wooevents pro” “Event Calendar & Ticketing”, “woo commerce gift certificates pro” was really THE solution ….but the applications seems buggy and support for wooevents free version is so terrible and very bad feedback of pro users, no forum for pro version, make that this solution is unusable.
Sugar event seems to be too much buggy.
And your solution ! compatibility with other application do not seems to be your good point ( ( ( )….
(to me,) the ideal event manager should do:
1) Woocommerce integration…you have it
2) Compatible with all big plugins such as : wpml, gravity form, BuddyPress, SEO …????
3) Calendar month view with tooltips …you have it
4) Gift certificates option during checkout …????
4) Rsvp …????
5) Recurring events …you have it
6) Bookings Management … do you have it ?
7) Google Maps …you have it
8) range of views (day / week / map / photo / venue / organizer) …you have it
9) responsive from mobile …you have it
10) Good and responsive support ! …definitively, you have itTo move to your solution we need at least compatibility with other plugins…I was thinking you were working on it ? …what’s the status ?
I must say that that kind of answer is not pro :
September 28, 2012 : ” We are working towards such an integration and hope to have it in place in a release before the end of the year.”
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