Compatibility with WordPress Behind a Reverse Proxy
The WordPress website ( describes a way to configure SSL for an installation hosted behind a reverse proxy that provides SSL. The following is added to wp-config.php:
if ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] == 'https') $_SERVER['HTTPS']='on';
and in nginx, the following line is added to the secure server block:
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https;
For this config to work with W3 Total Cache, I have added the following to my nginx config,
if ($http_x_forwarded_proto = https) { set $w3tc_ssl _ssl; }
I have added this below:
set $w3tc_ssl ""; if ($scheme = https) { set $w3tc_ssl _ssl; }
Here’s the code that would likely have to be added to PgCacheAdmin.php (at around line 978) in order to support this functionality:
if ($this->_config->get_boolean('pgcache.cache.ssl')) { $rules .= "if (\$http_x_forwarded_proto = https) {\n"; $rules .= " set \$w3tc_ssl _ssl;\n"; $rules .= "}\n"; }
I could not figure out the appropriate way to submit a pull request, so I’m posting this here.
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