I realised that qTranslate stop working for a while. When I try to create a new page, no matter which language tab I choose, all pages show the same language, one language only. I cannot differentiate pages for different languages.
Then I searched on web and found out that WP4.5 caused these kind of problems. That time my WP version was 4.6 and qTranslate version was . I decided to turn back to WP 4.5 as you claimed that you already solved WP 4.5 problems at version . That is why I did the following :
– I loaded WP 4.5 files via FTP
– Deactivated qTranslate
– Activated qTranslate
– Settings->Languages “Save”
-> Problem continues
– Deactivated qTranslate
– I reloaded WP 4.5 files via FTP
– Activated qTranslate
– Settings->Languages “Save”
-> Problem continues
Now I do not know what to do and my problem continues. Old pages which I did nit edit for a long time has language differentiation. However if I open an old page and try to edit it, it all turns out to be mono-language only ?? All the second language disappeares. Now I am afraid of opening old pages to edit and at the same time I cannot create new pages with language support. All I can do is creating mono-language pages (Although language tabs appear at page builder, they are useless)