Hi paulzz3000,
You’ll want to update to 3.3.1 – which I just released. There is now a filter at the beginning and end of the menu <select>… which means you can add <optgroup>s or <options>
I downloaded the Global Content Blocks and set up the filter to display them… this *should* work. Try adding this to your theme’s functions folder, or you could add it as a plugin (if you’re familiar with setting up plugins):
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'wpjm_gcb_add_filter' );
if (!function_exists('wpjm_gcb_add_filter'))
function wpjm_gcb_add_filter( $wpjm_string )
add_filter( 'wpjm-filter-beginning-of-list', 'wpjm_gcb_filter' );
if (!function_exists('wpjm_gcb_filter'))
function wpjm_gcb_filter( $wpjm_string ) {
if (class_exists('gcb'))
$entries = gcb::get_entries();
if (!empty($entries))
$wpjm_string .= '<optgroup label="Global Content Blocks">';
foreach($entries as $entry) {
$wpjm_string .= '<option value="' . admin_url() . 'options-general.php?page=global-content-blocks&view=update&edid=' . $entry['id'] . '" ' . ( ( isset($_GET['edid']) && ($entry['id'] == $_GET['edid'] ) )?'selected="selected"':'').'>' . $entry['name'] . '</option>';
$wpjm_string .= '</optgroup>';
return $wpjm_string;