• Jeff Cole


    I created a menu on a website years ago with this plugin (last version 2.2.2) and haven’t updated it for fear of breaking the menu. However it went more smoothly than I imagined it would.

    The only problem was because I am using it with a child theme and I would like to suggest a change to the plugin to allow the menu.css to be loaded from within the child theme

    Replace lines 183-185

    // Show menu.css depending on what's available
        if (file_exists(TEMPLATEPATH.'/menu.css'))
            wp_enqueue_style('wp-css-dropdown-menu-style', get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/menu.css');


    // Show menu.css depending on what's available
        if (file_exists(get_stylesheet_directory() .'/menu.css'))
            wp_enqueue_style('wp-css-dropdown-menu-style', get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/menu.css');

    I added the Dropdown Menu widget with the orientation set to ‘top’ and without updating my theme it picked up the menu perfectly. No tweaks needed!

    I also managed to replicate the Stu Nicholl’s approach with the following filter and javascript (to add the drop-down indicators – I couldn’t get the regex to work for the drop class) so that it’ll still be somewhat compatible with IE6 and IE7 without javascript.

    function wp_list_pages_filter($output) {
    //$output = preg_replace('#class="noiframe">([\w\s]+)</a>[\s]*<ul class=\'children\'>#', 'class="noiframe drop">$1<ul class=\'children\'>', $output);
    $output = preg_replace("#</a>\s+<ul class='children'>#", "<!--[if gte IE 7]><!--></a><!--<![endif]-->\n<!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><td><![endif]-->\n<ul class='children'>", $output);
    $output = str_replace("</ul>", "</ul>\n<!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr></table></a><![endif]-->", $output);
    return $output;
    add_filter('wp_list_pages', 'wp_list_pages_filter');
    //  see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7933681/jquery-addclass-to-a-child-element
    function jquery_add_drops() {
        <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
             jQuery("li:has(ul.children) > a").addClass('drop');
    if (!(is_admin())) {
    add_action('wp_head', 'jquery_add_drops');

    (also on pastebin https://pastebin.com/gZPrYy0A )

    Maybe these could be incorporated into an update?


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