This is a bit tricky, since WPLMS is a commercial plugin where I am not able to properly analyse how their code interacts with mine. Support questions should therefore be directed to them.
On the other hand, your description of the problem hints at this: if there is some invalid Javascript code loaded with your website, it is possible that all Javascript execution stops. My plugin relies heavily on Javascript and if that is not executetd, you would see exactly that “yet to start” message.
Now the source of the invalid script could be any plugin or theme that is activated on your website, theoretically even things like trackers or embeded advertising.
You can now try the following: go to the site with the above message and press F12 to open the developer tools. There are several tabs, open the one markes as “Console”. Reload the page. There will be several messages shown, some of them not that interesting, but most browsers mark the important stuff in red. If there is an entry that begins with something like “Syntax error”, this might contain information where the error comes from.
Feel free to copy and paste the entry to show it here, and I will see if I can make out what is happening. One important additional information is this: on the right hand side, there will be some file names. If you hover over them, a popup will show you a complete path to the offending file. It would be nice if you could note that for me, at least the part below the main WordPress installation directory.