Hey @pikamander2 your thread is kind of old – but this is for everyone who is still looking for an answer.
Contact Form 7 changed its validation and added a data-name attribute as well as a schema validation.
The first point is kind of solvable by changing the JS of this plugin.
In scripts.js after line 39 add following:
$formControlWrap.attr("data-name", newName);
And use a minifier tool like https://www.toptal.com/developers/javascript-minifier to minify the js file and replace the scripts.min.js
This will solve the issue”The field is required.” – but one issue remains – the validation on the fly. Like on change of any field the validation won’t trigger because of the new contact form 7 changes to check against the schema calling a feedback endpoint.
But yeah the form is now usable – and the validation works for the submission.
Let me try to break it down once more for everything to understand it.
This plugin does rename the names of the fields for example “first_name” will get a new name “first_name__1”. (Reason is pretty clear: It clones the fields, so it needs new incrementing names).