@csc721 Just to follow up once more on this and explain that the reason we are asking for all these checks with the hosting provider, plugins, console errors etc is because there are a number of components interacting with the Web Stories plugin.
The initial checks with hosting provider was due to the fact that we noticed a CDN rewriting urls which you helpfully resolved with your host.
Web Stories make use of the AMP framework which is why AMP validation is performed on them while in the editor and why it’s important that they pass validation. Plugin and theme conflicts are often the cause of these AMP validation errors which is why it’s good to rule this out.
With these first two checks complete, it would be useful to see if you can see any console or checklist errors which may highlight something that could be contributing to the AMP error you are seeing on your stories.
Again, I understand this is frustrating but it’s absolutely necessary to run through these checks so that we can narrow this down and get this resolved for you which will fix all your web stories with this error.