Hi ??
You can certainly add/change the page templates as you wish.
If you want to add the company name to the template-cr3ativconference.php, you would need to update that template in two places (we have a ‘highlighted’ loop and a non-highlighted loop.
Do a find for this: (should bring up 2 instances)
$cr3ativ_confspeakers = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'cr3ativ_confspeaker', $single = true);
and add this line (to bring in company name, so the full code will look like this:
$cr3ativ_confspeakers = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'cr3ativ_confspeaker', $single = true);
$speakerurltext = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'speakerurltext', $single = true);
This will bring in the speaker name and the company name, then look for this (again should be 2 instances of this):
foreach ( $cr3ativ_confspeakers as $cr3ativ_confspeaker ) :
$speaker = get_post($cr3ativ_confspeaker);
$speakerlink = get_permalink( $speaker->ID );
echo'<div class="speaker_list_wrapper">';
echo get_the_post_thumbnail($speaker->ID).'<a href="'. $speakerlink .'">'. $speaker->post_title .'</a></div>';
and change it to this (keep in mind, you will need to add your own HTML and CSS if you want to style this specifically):
foreach ( $cr3ativ_confspeakers as $cr3ativ_confspeaker ) :
$speaker = get_post($cr3ativ_confspeaker);
$speakerlink = get_permalink( $speaker->ID );
echo'<div class="speaker_list_wrapper">';
echo get_the_post_thumbnail($speaker->ID).'<a href="'. $speakerlink .'">'. $speaker->post_title .'</a>'.($speakerurltext).'</div>';
That should do it. ??