Hi @danidugar,
These are english forums so please post in english.
With that being said, if I had to guess (since you didn’t provide any useful details about your site in your comment):
- Maybe there aren’t enough posts that match your criteria (post types, taxonomies, etc.) so WPP is returning only those that did.
- Maybe you installed the plugin only recently so it probably doesn’t have enough data yet – you should give it some time (see here, here and here to understand how WPP works).
- Maybe you have a caching plugin installed (WT3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache, etc.) so chances are that you’re seeing a cached version of the widget. If so, you need to go to Settings > WordPress Popular Posts and set Ajaxify widget to Enabled, and then clear your caching plugin’s cache in order for this change to take effect.
If none of that applies, then please:
- Post your site’s URL so I can take a look.
- Share the settings you’re using with the widget (a screenshot helps).
- Go to Settings > WordPress Popular Posts, append &tab=debug to the URL in the address bar of your browser, then copy and share here the info displayed on the Debug screen.