Many of our clients are using Vik Booking to manage the reservations for a hostel with shared dorms. It is indeed possible to set up the system this way, but you will have to treat the rooms as if they were beds.
In your case, you should create a new room type with 15 units available, as that will determine the number of times the same “room” can be booked on the same dates. Also, the maximum capacity of this room should be set to 1 adult, as you will be treating each unit of the room (dormitory) as a bed. So you want 1 adult per bed at most, and in order to book multiple beds, it’s necessary to book multiple “rooms”, still with one adult per room (bed).
In order to not confuse your customers with the booking form, it’s necessary to also adopt a free plugin to override the default language translations, so that every occurrence of the string “room” will be replaced with “bed” and any search form will actually make sense in the front-end section of your website.
Please feel free to reach out to us through our website if you have any other questions. We have a Knowledge Base section where we suggest using a specific plugin to override the default language strings. And just for your information, we also speak Italian ??