Regarding the issue with the error- I agree completely, and the way that Revisr handles errors involving Git has been dramatically improved in the next release. We’re looking to release that very soon.
The main idea behind storing the commits as a custom post type is that you can see more information on each commit directly from Revisr, in a format that integrates with the stock WordPress look and feel, and also allows a good amount of additional functionality without having to reinvent the wheel.
Your concern regarding the possibility of Revisr becoming out of sync is a good one, but with the above mentioned improvements in error reporting, and the fact that Revisr will create new ‘posts’ for commits pulled from another remote, this would be very unlikely to happen. Although, it’s still a good thing to look out for, so for the next release we will add a check for this issue as a precautionary measure.
Thank you for the feedback on the recent activity- it’s something we’ll take into consideration as we develop the plugin further.
I’m marking this thread as resolved as it looks like you found the cause of the original issue (the corrupted git object). If you run into any further issues or have any further feedback, please let me know.
Thank you again for your feedback and for trying Revisr.