• thethunderbird99


    Some comments are being saved into the database with the wrong post_id and displaying on the wrong posts. Sometimes they are even replies with the correct comment_parent. Each one I have found has comment_agent as “Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 7_0_4 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/537.51.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0 Mobile/11B554a Safari/9537.53”

    Any idea what could be causing this?


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  • Plugin Author gVectors Team


    It seems some plugin or theme function overwrite global Post object and Post ID in single content type template files, thus comment box gets wrong post data. You should test it deactivated plugin and default theme.

    Also please deactivate and try with default comment system. We need make sure it comes from wpDiscuz. Leave URL to allow us test it as well. Show an example of wrong comment.

    Thread Starter thethunderbird99


    The comment_post_id works with the theme disabled (stock theme) or with wpDiscuz disabled (stock comment form).

    Here’s how to reproduce the issue:

    1. Using a mobile user agent, go to https://swimswam.staging.wpengine.com/
    2. View one article
    3. Post a comment on a second article

    The comment will be attributed to the first article, even if you were replying to a comment on the first article. I am echoing post->ID directly above the comment form and it is correct.

    Plugin Author gVectors Team


    Could you clone your website in localhost or in other hosting server and do the same test? This may be wpengine hosting issue. Also, do the same test with WordPress default theme and without other active plugins. After these tests we’ll be able to detect problem reason. Using just a URL and posting a test comment doesn’t give any helpful information to support this issue. wpDiscuz works fine on all our test websites, it doesn’t have such problem. This issues definitely comes from outside wpDiscuz.

    Thread Starter thethunderbird99


    Is the post ID passed through Javascript at all? It may not be modified properly when switching between pages. Is anyone else using the plugin with a jQuery Mobile theme? This seems to be some kind of conflict with jQuery Mobile not with WP Engine.

    I’ve had the same problem.

    I found part of the problem, and why my buttons were missing….

    This plugin conflicts (naturaly) with the “comments” plugin from Jetpack. “Comments” MUST BE OFF in Jetpack for this to work.

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