• Hi, recently I’ve been receiving a LOT of spam comments on my blog. I’m using Filosofo Comments Preview plugin. I’ve taken action to blacklist words, and then decided to close comments on all my posts.

    I thought that my version of wordpress may have had a security flaw, so I upgraded to the latest last night. This morning, I have 14 comments awaiting my approval – all of which are spam. They are related to posts that have commenting turned off!

    For example, this post: https://blog.jc21.com/2006-11-13/php-ajax-file-browser-201/
    still gets comment spam.

    What’s the deal?

    PS. Filosofo comments is on the 2.1 compatibility list, but I’ve disabled it to see if it is the flaw.

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  • As well as running the MySQL update as recommended by DougCastell (above), I renamed wp-backtrack.php then scanned the whole of the WP code looking for references to it. Only two other files were affected, both in the wp-includes directory: comment-template.php (2 instances) and template-loader.php (3 instances). I edited these to match my new name. Since then I have not had any backtrack spam.

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