• hi there,
    i’m actually very new to wordpress and css.
    my site is a work in progress right now,
    but i’m looking to solve one issue at a time.
    the current issue is my comments section is not centering properly.

    please take a look at https://black-rap.com/blog
    and click on comments to see what i’m talking about.

    notice how the tables in the comments section is not centering like on the main page.

    additionally, there seems to be a giant space under the table as well.

    why is this happening and how can i prevent this from happening?

    any help would be greatly appreciated,

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  • you missed to close a <div>, check…

    Thread Starter bozack


    hey thanks for checking it out and helping me out here.
    but are you sure?
    i’ve just double checked, and i couldn’t find an open one anywhere.
    not in the comments.php anyways.
    where else could i look?

    Thread Starter bozack


    ive been editing around and looks like i’ve messed it up somehow even more.
    it seems that wordpress is totally ignoring my comments.php file now, =S
    a footer is being brought up without comments.php bringing it up.
    i’m starting to believe wordpress has a mind of its own.

    hey men wordpress is a very easy software to use you just have to read alot about ok? going back to your problem, i think you messed it up already don’t you have a backup? hey, its always a good practice to backup first before editing. go to wpport.com download a theme there then copy comments.php to your theme folder, it’s a standard comment.php file ok? that should correct your comments problem. about the positioning try checking your single.php if your comment_templates is properly DIVed. in my site i have a recommended ebook at the right side if you’re interested all my works are based on that book

    Thread Starter bozack


    thanks again!
    i’m actually trying to go about this another way now.
    i’m attempting to edit the kubrick template to make it look similar to the one i’ve designed.
    i’ve come across a problem with changing the background colour of “narrowcolumn.”

    if you have an idea on how to do this that would be greatly appreciated.
    thanks again!

    well good luck to you! regarding narrowcolumn just set a background color like this .narrowcolumn {background:#000000;}.

    men i’m following your modification hehe and i’ll tell you kubrick is not an easy theme to modify. i’m serious go to my site wpport.com download a theme there then modify. I made it as simple as possible with full functionality ok?

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