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  • Hey user 45,
    I am am not entirely certain what exactly you are asking but…
    1. This widget allows you to add whatever you place IN the widget to the end of any content area – like a post or page… (it shows up between the end of your post and where the default WP comments would show up if they were enabled).

    So, you really cannot replace comments with it. I suppose you could add a form to it to collect comments but the data you collect will not show up in there, only the content you originally placed in the widget will.

    Now, it also appears you may be asking about how to have the “comments are closed” default WP words to not show up. If this is what you are after, then, there are a number of options.
    1. some themes have that setting built into them (you need to investigate whatever theme you are using.
    2. You can add code to do this. I recommend using Goggle and search, “remove comments are closed” to find the best option for your use.
    3. You can add a plugin to do this:

    Hope this helps. Please feel free to clarify anything I may have misunderstood.

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 9269003


    Hello Kerry.

    Thanks for the reply.

    I would like to put this widget in the same place where “comments” are (to replace them) or put it below the comments. I don’t use the default theme.

    P.S. Perhaps the option of choosing “below the content” and “below the comments” would appear in the settings?

    If your comments are off and you use this plugin, your information will appear after the content of any type of post – in approximately the same place as comments would if they were on.

    Regarding your theme, I just meant the ability to change the words that show for Comments being disabled is often available in many themes, so you can check theme settings to see if it is on the theme you use. Sorry for any confusion.

    If your PS was actually implemented then this plugin could no longer really be called “Add Widget After Content”, could it? ??

    Plugin Author Arelthia Phillips


    User45, Thank you for the feature request.

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