• Resolved ericwilmoth


    Hi–great plugin, considering all it does. I’ve been running tests back and forth between it and the Add Link to Facebook plugin, and one of the main cons showing up with wordbooker is that the comments being imported from facebook are showing up on my site as me–the admin (though it doesn’t also use my gravitar…so, weird…). Add link to Facebook, on the other hand, shows the correct username.

    I’ve been overhauling my comments management in the interest of relaunching my site with a long awaited post, and after lots of delays, I’m leaning towards ‘add link’ for now…though i like some of the other features you have in wordbooker.

    Any chance this incorrect labeling of commenters is an easy fix?
    I am using Wordbooker: 2.2.0



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  • Thread Starter ericwilmoth


    Steve, it works like a charm! Thank you so much!

    I was also very pleased to see that the jetpack comments plugin was now showing avatars, too, after people comment directly through the site. I don’t think I brought that factor up in this thread, earlier, but it was part of the initial testing that Frumph and I were attempting to sort out, before I realized the other errors that were arising.

    So, Frumph, now that this solves things, that’s it!

    Thank you both so much for your efforts. I don’t do much coding at this point, but I’ve done my share of html, css and a little php over the years…so I can appreciate how tricky it can be to get things talking to each other like this.

    I’ll be making a donation to each of you, and be sure to give you guys props in my announcements!

    Happy New Year!!!

    Plugin Author Steve


    Glad its all working Eric… and if you need any other minor tweaks then let me know.

    Thread Starter ericwilmoth


    Actually, Steve, there is one more thing I’m curious about, if you have a minute…

    …so, before I settled on using wordbooker, I’d played around with a dozen different plugins that used some variation of the facebook comments tool that you’ve incorporated into wordbooker…

    …and there’s one buggy thing in Facebook’s design that I couldn’t figure out…that I’m wondering if you might have any insight on.

    What I’ve noticed is that on any given comment that’s generated by the facebook comments tool, if people start replying to said comment, the first three replies work just fine…but the fourth reply has a problem; after submitting the reply, it’ll show as posting for that user…and it will look just fine on all other user’s view of the webpage…but if that user refreshes the webpage, their comment will not show–instead, it will show a duplicate of the previous comment (this is just on the webpages the tool is used; facebook shows all comments just fine). After that, the same glitch will occur intermittently; I did not do enough rigorous testing to determine if it’s truly random after the 4th reply, or if there’s a pattern.

    If said user logs out of their facebook account and refreshes the page, everything looks fine…so it’s not like the data is lost…it’s just not showing properly…and it’s definitely a problem in facebook’s code, as far as I can tell, because I repeated the same results every time I tried a different plugin that was utilizing the feature.

    I figure, for the potential viral re-distribution of articles that it provides, it’s worth living with for now, but I thought I’d see if you were aware of this, and whether or not you might have any clue on what is up with it, or if there might even be some way to hack it into working properly.

    If not, no big deal.

    Thanks a million!

    Plugin Author Steve


    That’s something buggy in FB’s code – all Wordbooker, and other plugins do is use the FB comments “plugin” which is basically a single fb tag and a bit of Javascript.

    I don’t really like the FB comments “plugin” as it means your comments aren’t held on your server and you’re at the whim of Facebook over their future… also they don’t thread properly… BTW : if you use the Wordbooker implementation of the FB comments plugin then it will actually import all the comments into your blog (or it should do) – so it allows you to migrate away from FB comments…

    Thread Starter ericwilmoth


    Yeah…figured there probably wasn’t any way to improve on that. Thanks for the input.

    So, if you’re not a fan of that tool, why did you decide to incorporate it? I mean, you make good points–a year from now facebook could decide to do something that’ll botch that thing and lose all those comments…so it’s no trivial concern.

    I decided to go ahead and utilize it anyway, cause I figure, in the short term it could do a lot to spread awareness much farther…and there’s always the possibility that facebook will keep the code working so that those comments never disappear (he said, crossing his fingers)…and enough people are instantly familiar with it, that they might be more inclined to make a quick comment that way, rather than scanning to the bottom of a page to leave a comment via the wordpress comments. I guess I’m speculating a bit, and will see what happens when I finally start posting regular articles with it…but I’m hoping my instincts on that pay off.

    Plugin Author Steve


    Because people wanted it… and it was a simple thing to add, and by adding a bit of extra code I was able to implement the comment extractor.

    Thread Starter ericwilmoth


    Right on.

    Have a great evening, sir–you made my week!

    ^ Made edits to the next release, thanks Steve

    Plugin Author Steve


    Lets hope my changes don’t break anything else – its always a worry!

    Thread Starter ericwilmoth


    Steve, on the Open Graph Object Debugger page for facebook I’m getting this:

    More Than One OG URL Specified Object at URL ‘https://www.archetypalimages.com/2014/01/05/comment-system-update/’ of type ‘article’ is invalid because it specifies multiple ‘og:url’ values: https://www.archetypalimages.com/2014/01/05/comment-system-update/, https://www.archetypalimages.com/2014/01/05/comment-system-update/.

    I am using another open graph plugin (Open Graph Settings), but I’m only using it to define the featured image (because the wordpress embedded tool for this does not work the way I want it to).

    I thought i had these two things working nicely with each other…but with all the changes going on, i was probably incorrect about that.

    For now, everything seems to be working fine, but i sense I should solve this conflict to minimize long-term boo-boos. Any ideas?

    Thread Starter ericwilmoth


    btw, here’s the post (gave you props in it, too…):

    @eric make sure you disable the facebook meta option inside of the theme; it’s on the options page

    Plugin Author Steve


    Or you can turn OG Tag production off inside Wordbooker (can’t remember what that does to the like/share buttons though!)

    Thread Starter ericwilmoth


    Thanks guys.

    Frumph, I looked on all the tabs for comicpress settings–the only place I found a reference to facebook meta was on the debug tab, and it was just, “string(13) “facebook_meta” bool(false),” with no options to select. Clearly I’m looking in the wrong place. Can you guide me in?

    Thread Starter ericwilmoth


    Steve, in the wordbooker settings, there’s an option:

    Use Image from Custom Meta instead of Featured Image for Open Graph image :

    So, where does one select/enter the custom info? I’m wondering if that provided the same function as the “Open Graph Settings” plugin I mentioned above…and therefore, i could get rid of that plugin…

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