Steve–that’s good to know about, that I can leave wordbooker active, and can set it so it won’t conflict with the other plugin. I have it off right now, but I’ll turn it back on and change those settings, in a few minutes.
As for the dummy accounts, they are legitimate facebook accounts, just made up personas, so they should be acting like any normal facebook account.
Question–would there be any benefit, do you think, to getting you and the theme developer in contact with each other?
Also, as an fyi, the road i took to arriving at the conclusion that wordbooker and ‘add link’ handle comments the way I’d prefer was long and arduous…full of lots of testing and pitfalls…lots of education…and it delayed me making what was intended to be a timely post…so much so that I’m wary of delaying it much further. I would not presume that either you or the theme developer have the time available to figure out a viable solution anytime soon…and am therefor strongly considering utilizing ‘add link’ temporarily, as i mentioned before…
…however, if you–by any stretch of the imagination–looked into it and thought it was a simple tweak to at least have the names show properly, I would easily opt to wait till the end of the weekend to post my article in the interest of using wordbooker instead. It is superior in several ways…
…not to mention, the other plugin, if i deactivate it after it’s done it’s thing…the links in people’s comments which target back to their facebook accounts are lost. After what you said, i think I could keep it running in the background for all time, i guess…but I’m a big fan of de-cluttering unnecessary plugins…so if I can avoid using it altogether, even better.
So, depending on what you think is realistic, let me know, and I’ll decide one way or the other.
Also, thanks for you rapid responses–it’s great knowing you take such care with your work.