• I just started using/testing WP. I have two posts up and I have three drafts I need to finish. Good news is someone found my site. Curious news is, how did I get comments on the drafts I have filed? They aren’t visible to the public, so how did someone click a Comments link and submit them?

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  • Were you also a victim of the spam bot ? Comments of different IPs, but same mail / URI ? Search this board with “Spam”… ??__??

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    Yes I was, but I was wondering how it was possible? If no link exists for the spam bot to scan, how can it invoke a the comment process? I’m just wondering how it is technically possible.
    Out poker friend appears busy!

    They don’t look for posts or rather published posts – some of the bots seems to just start at post ID 1 and continue on … so they got your draft posts because they were within the correct ID range :p These bots do not access an entry page and somehow fill in the comment fields and hit the submit button – they send the comment information directly to the WP script which processes the comment information. Which is why there doesn’t have to be a published comment for them to spam it – just as long as the comment is in the database, it is enough …

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    Ah. Thanks for the info. Ever since I installd the WP-Blacklist it stopped. Thanks!

    All it takes is a simple html file set to post to the proper target (wp-comments-post.php in this case.)…. there is a way to help discourage it, it’s not 100% effective in spam, but it will stop the comments on non-existant posts.

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